Democracy DatasetsDatasets with measures of democracy. |
The Anckar-Fredriksson dataset of political regimes |
The Acemoglu, Naidu, Restrepo and Robinson democracy dataset |
The Arat measure of democracy |
The Bowman, Lehoucq, and Mahoney index of democracy for Central America |
Boix-Miller-Rosato dichotomous coding of democracy, 1800-2020, version 4.0 |
The Bernhard, Nordstrom & Reenock Event History Coding of Democratic Breakdowns |
The Bollen measure of democracy |
The Bertelsmann Transformation Index |
Renske Doorenspleet's Democracy Dataset |
The Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index |
Extended UDS |
Freedom House "Freedom in the World" data from Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton's replication dataset |
The Geddes Wright and Frantz Autocratic Regimes dataset |
Axel Hadenius' Index of Democracy |
The Steffen Kailitz Dataset of Authoritarian Regime Types |
The Lexical Index of Democracy, v. 6.4 |
Autocracies of the World, 1950-2012 (Version 1.0). |
Mainwaring, Brinks, and Perez Liñán's democracy measure for Latin America |
Munck Index of Democracy |
The Democracy and Dictatorship Dataset (DD/PACL/ACLP/CGV) |
Update of the Democracy and Dictatorship Dataset by Bjørnskov and Rode |
Participation-Enhanced Polity Score |
The Political Institutions and Political Events (PIPE) dataset |
PITF democracy indicator |
Polity IV |
Polity 2 from PMM |
The Polyarchy Scale and the Contestation Scale |
Indicators of Contestation and Inclusiveness by Michael Coppedge, Angel Alvarez, and Claudia Maldonado |
The Political Regime Change (PRC) dataset. |
The Rulers, Elections, and Irregular Governance Dataset (Regime data) |
Suport Vector Machine Democracy Index by Grundler and Krieger |
Milan Svolik's Regime Dataset |
The Unified Democracy Scores |
The Democracy/Autocracy Dataset by Jay Ulfelder |
The University of Texas Inequality Project Categorical Dataset of Political Regimes |
Vanhanen measures of democracy, 1800-2018 |
Simplified version of the V-Dem version 13 dataset |
Authoritarian Regimes Data Set, version 5.0, by Axel Hadenius, Jan Teorell, & Michael Wahman |
Download_ functionsFunctions for downloading annually-updated datasets. |
Freedom House "Freedom in the World" data |
Freedom House Electoral Democracies List |
Freedom House All Data 2013-2023 |
Polity 5 |
Democracy, Voice, and Accountability Index from the World Governance Indicators |
Redownload_ functionsFunctions for re-downloading other datasets. |
Downloads the 2022 update (v. 6.4) of the Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy (annual time series, data to 2021) and processes it using country_year_coder. |
Downloads the 2019 update of the Polity IV dataset |
Generate_ functionsFunctions for generating other democracy datasets. |
Generate a data frame containing all the democracy measures accessible from this package |
Generates the extended UDS scores from the latest democracy data in this package |
Latent Variable Models functionsFunctions for producing latent variable models of democracy. |
Prepare democracy data before replicating the UDS model |
Probability that a country-year is more democratic than another |
Extract UD scores from a UD model |
Extract cutpoints from a UD model in a tidy format. |
Extract rater info from a UD model in a tidy format. |
Information functionsFunctions and datasets with citation and other info about the datasets in this package. |
References to all the datasets included in this package. |
Retrieve the citation for a specific dataset included in this package |
Basic information about existing democracy measures |
State system functionsFunctions for manipulating and fixing country-year panels with state system information. |
Country-Year State System Coding |
Create a panel of countries belonging in the state system. |
Utility functionsUtility functions for working with country-year democracy data. |
Removes empty rows (rows with all NAs) from a data frame |
Count sequence breaks |