Prepares selected indexes in the democracy dataset for use in a UD model

prepare_democracy(..., identifiers = c("extended_country_name", "year", "GWn",
  "cown", "polity_ccode", "in_GW_system"))



a set of measures of democracy in the democracy dataset (either bare column names, or strings). Can be a dplyr::select expression (but dplyr must be loaded for this to work).


A set of identifiers to return with the data. Defaults to c("extended_country_name", "year", "GWn", "cown", "polity_ccode", "in_GW_system"). Must exist in the democracy dataset.


A dataset ready for use with democracy_model


#> # A tibble: 9,137 x 18 #> extended_country_name year GWn cown polity_ccode in_GW_system pmm_arat #> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl> #> 1 Afghanistan 1946 700 700 180 T NA #> 2 Afghanistan 1947 700 700 180 T NA #> 3 Afghanistan 1948 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 4 Afghanistan 1949 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 5 Afghanistan 1950 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 6 Afghanistan 1951 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 7 Afghanistan 1952 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 8 Afghanistan 1953 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 9 Afghanistan 1954 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> 10 Afghanistan 1955 700 700 180 T 2.00 #> # ... with 9,127 more rows, and 11 more variables: pmm_blm <dbl>, #> # pmm_bollen <dbl>, pmm_fh <dbl>, pmm_hadenius <dbl>, pmm_mainwaring <dbl>, #> # pmm_munck <dbl>, pmm_pacl <dbl>, pmm_polity <dbl>, pmm_polyarchy <dbl>, #> # pmm_prc <dbl>, pmm_vanhanen <dbl>