World map data, in country-year format, for use with ggplot2. Taken from
rworldmap and joined with columns for the standardized country name and the
Gleditsch-Ward country code.
An object of class data.frame
with 12374 rows and 12 columns.
Variable descriptions
- long
- Longitude. Numeric. Max = 180, min = -180, distinct =
10032, mean = 8.867, sd = 86.144, NAs = 0.
- lat
- Latitude. Numeric. Max = 83.645, min = -90, distinct = 9907, mean =
16.708, sd = 36.429, NAs = 0.
- order
- Plotting order. Numeric. Max = 795, min = 1, distinct = 795, mean
= 98.253, sd = 150.885, NAs = 0.
- hole
- Whether the polygon describes a hole. Logical. TRUE = 12, FALSE =
12362, NAs = 0.
- piece
- piece Factor with 30 levels. Most common: 1 (9732), 2 (917), 3
(427), 4 (232), 5 (179), 6 (116), 8 (112). NAs = 0.
- id
- id Character with 242 distinct values. Most common: Antarctica (661),
Canada (795), Russia (Soviet Union) (598). NAs = 0.
- group
- group Factor with 454 levels. Most common: Antarctica.1 (556),
Australia.1 (224), Brazil.1 (203), Canada.1 (272), China.1 (230), Russia.1
(447), United States of America.1 (233). NAs = 0.
- year
- Year. Numeric. Max = 2012, min = 2012, distinct = 1, mean = 2012,
sd = 0, NAs = 0.
- country_name
- Standardized country name. This is the same across all
datasets in this package, so you can always join them by country_name and year.
Character with 197 distinct values. Most common: Canada (795), Russia (Soviet
Union) (598), United States of America (444). NAs = 1786.
- GWn
- Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999).
Numeric. Max = 990, min = 2, distinct = 197, mean = 443.972, sd = 294.599, NAs
= 1786.
- reg
- reg Character with 23 distinct values. Most common: Eastern Europe
(983), Northern America (1239), South America (919). NAs = 1786.
- continent
- Continent. Character with 6 distinct values. Most common:
Africa (2370), Americas (2858), Asia (2395). NAs = 1786.
function (x, ...) UseMethod("end")