This is a summary (with confidence estimates for each country-year_ of the
Standardized World Income Inequality Database (Solt 2009, 2016), version 5.0.
The original data is available at
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 13090 rows and 19 columns.
Variable descriptions
- country_name
- Standardized country name. This is the same
across all datasets in this package, so you can always join them by
country_name and year. Character with 167 distinct values. Most common: New
Zealand (184), Singapore (186), United Kingdom (184). NAs = 0.
- GWn
- Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999).
Numeric. Max = 950, min = 2, distinct = 167, mean = 415.435, sd = 250.843, NAs
= 0.
- year
- Year. Numeric. Max = 2013, min = 1960, distinct = 54, mean =
1993.976, sd = 12.43, NAs = 0.
- variable
- The type of estimate. There are four types: Market gini (before
taxes and transfers), net gini (after taxes and transfers), relative
redistribution, and absolute redistribution. Factor with 4 levels. Most common:
gini_net (4551), gini_market (4549), rel_red (1995), abs_red (1995). NAs = 0.
- mean_value
- The average value of the estimate. (The original dataset
provides 500 different values using multiple imputation - see Solt for
details). Numeric. Max = 72.85, min = -11.13, distinct = 13090, mean = 32.789,
sd = 15.856, NAs = 0.
- se
- The standard error of the mean. Numeric. Max = 23.161, min = 0.057,
distinct = 13090, mean = 2.071, sd = 1.744, NAs = 0.
- pct025
- Lower bound of the 95% confidence interval. Numeric. Max =
68.164, min = -45.875, distinct = 13090, mean = 28.73, sd = 16.333, NAs = 0.
- pct975
- Upper bound of the 95% confidence interval. Numeric. Max =
102.297, min = -0.265, distinct = 13090, mean = 36.849, sd = 16.106, NAs = 0.
- swiid_country
- Country name in the original dataset. Factor with 174
levels. Most common: Australia (182), New Zealand (184), Norway (182),
Singapore (186), Sweden (182), United Kingdom (184), United States (182). NAs =
- GWc
- Gleditsch-Ward alphabetic country code. See Gleditsch and Ward
(1999). Character with 167 distinct values. Most common: NEW (184), SIN (186),
UKG (184). NAs = 0.
- cown
- Correlates of War numeric country code. Differs from GWn for a few
country-years. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 950, min = 2,
distinct = 167, mean = 415.479, sd = 250.857, NAs = 0.
- region
- Region. Character with 20 distinct values. Most common: Eastern
Europe (1262), Northern Europe (1466), South America (1166). NAs = 0.
- continent
- Continent. Character with 5 distinct values. Most common:
Americas (2610), Asia (3248), Europe (4926). NAs = 0.
- GW_startdate
- Date at which the state entered the system of states
according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it has never been a member. Other.
- GW_enddate
- Date at which the state ceased to be a member of the system
of states according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it still exists. Other.
- microstate
- Indicator of whether the state is a microstate, according to
Gleditsch's list of microstates. Logical. TRUE = 56, FALSE = 13034, NAs = 0.
- lat
- Latitude. Numeric. Max = 64.963, min = -40.901, distinct = 167, mean
= 25.859, sd = 27.2, NAs = 0.
- lon
- Longitude. Numeric. Max = 178.065, min = -106.347, distinct = 167,
mean = 19.398, sd = 64.105, NAs = 0.
- in_system
- Whether the country-year is in the Gleditsch-Ward system of
states. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Logical. TRUE = 12820, FALSE = 270, NAs
= 0.
Solt, Frederick (2009). "Standardizing the World Income Inequality Database."
Social Science Quarterly 90 (2): 231-42.
Solt, Frederick (2016). "The Standardized World Income Inequality Database."
Social Science Quarterly, n/a-n/a. doi:10.1111/ssqu.12295.
See also
Other economic data: economic_data