List of Interstate War Dyads by Gleditsch, extended until 2004. Described fully
in Gleditsch, Kristian. 2004. "A Revised List of Wars Between and Within
Independent States, 1816-2002." International Interactions 30 (3): 231-62.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 1176 rows and 28 columns.
Variable descriptions
- warid
- War ID. Character with 137 distinct values. Most
common: EIW2.1-450-IW-106 (162), EIW2.1-535-IW-139 (367), EIW2.1-565-IW-151
(98). NAs = 0.
- GWn.x
- Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code for side A. See Gleditsch and
Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 920, min = 2, distinct = 75, mean = 401.998, sd =
276.722, NAs = 0.
- sdate.x
- Date country A entered the war. Date. Max = 2003-03-19, min =
1816-08-26, distinct = 201, NAs = 0.
- edate.x
- Date country A exited the war. Date. Max = 2003-05-02, min =
1816-08-30, distinct = 158, NAs = 0.
- year
- Year. Numeric. Max = 2003, min = 1816, distinct = 160, mean =
1924.744, sd = 40.772, NAs = 0.
- warname
- War name. Character with 137 distinct values. Most common:
Korean (98), World War I (162), World War II (367). NAs = 0.
- GWc.x
- Gleditsch-Ward alphabetic country code for side A. See Gleditsch
and Ward (1999). Character with 75 distinct values. Most common: DRV (83), FRN
(89), UKG (117). NAs = 0.
- newcow
- newcow Character with 136 distinct values. Most common: IW-106
(162), IW-139 (367), IW-151 (98). NAs = 1.
- cow94
- cow94 Character with 102 distinct values. Most common: IW-106
(162), IW-139 (367), IW-151 (98). NAs = 145.
- cow00
- cow00 Character with 108 distinct values. Most common: IS-106
(162), IS-139 (367), IS-151 (98). NAs = 120.
- oldwid
- oldwid Numeric. Max = 700, min = 105, distinct = 117, mean =
475.967, sd = 131.496, NAs = 95.
- deaths.x
- Estimated deaths for side A. Numeric. Max = 7500000, min = 0,
distinct = 132, mean = 403770.914, sd = 1283219.988, NAs = 4.
- outcome.x
- Outcome of the war for side A. 1 = on the winning side, 2 = on
the losing side, 3 = compromise/tie, 4 = war transformed into another type, 6 =
stalemate, 8 = party changed sides. Numeric. Max = 8, min = 1, distinct = 6,
mean = 1.742, sd = 1.659, NAs = 0.
- outcome_chr.x
- Outcome of the war for side A, in character form.
Character with 6 distinct values. Most common: 1 = on winning side (951), 4 =
war transformed into another type (61), 6 = stalemate (125). NAs = 0.
- country_name.x
- Standardized country name for country A. Character with
75 distinct values. Most common: France (89), United Kingdom (117), Vietnam,
Democratic Republic of (83). NAs = 0.
- type
- Type of war. Character with 1 distinct values. Most common:
Interstate (1176). NAs = 0.
- initiate.x
- Did country A initiate the war? 1 = initiated, 2 = did not
initiate. Numeric. Max = 2, min = 1, distinct = 2, mean = 1.77, sd = 0.421, NAs
= 0.
- initiate_chr.x
- Character version of initiate.x. Character with 2
distinct values. Most common: Did not initiate war (906), Initiated war (270).
NAs = 0.
- GWn.y
- Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code for side B. See Gleditsch and
Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 900, min = 2, distinct = 80, mean = 458.91, sd =
225.551, NAs = 0.
- sdate.y
- Date country B entered the war. Date. Max = 2003-03-19, min =
1816-08-26, distinct = 167, NAs = 0.
- edate.y
- Date country B exited the war. Date. Max = 2003-05-02, min =
1816-08-30, distinct = 162, NAs = 0.
- GWc.y
- Gleditsch-Ward alphabetic country code for side B. See Gleditsch
and Ward (1999). Character with 80 distinct values. Most common: BUL (82), CHN
(84), GMY (118). NAs = 0.
- deaths.y
- Estimated deaths for side B. Numeric. Max = 3500000, min = 23,
distinct = 92, mean = 506759.191, sd = 931805.559, NAs = 31.
- outcome.y
- Outcome of the war for side B. 1 = on the winning side, 2 = on
the losing side, 3 = compromise/tie, 4 = war transformed into another type, 6 =
stalemate, 8 = party changed sides. Numeric. Max = 6, min = 1, distinct = 5,
mean = 2.505, sd = 1.288, NAs = 0.
- outcome_chr.y
- Outcome of the war for side B, in character form.
Character with 5 distinct values. Most common: 2 = on losing side (956), 4 =
war transformed into another type (61), 6 = stalemate (123). NAs = 0.
- country_name.y
- Standardized country name for country B. Character with
80 distinct values. Most common: Bulgaria (82), China (84), Germany (Prussia)
(118). NAs = 0.
- initiate.y
- Did country A initiate the war? 1 = initiated, 2 = did not
initiate. Numeric. Max = 2, min = 1, distinct = 2, mean = 1.716, sd = 0.451,
NAs = 0.
- initiate_chr.y
- Character version of initiate.y. Character with 2
distinct values. Most common: Did not initiate war (842), Initiated war (334).
NAs = 0.
Gleditsch, Kristian S. & Michael D. Ward. 1999. "Interstate System Membership:
A Revised List of the Independent States since 1816." International
Interactions 25: 393-413. The list can be found at
Gleditsch, Kristian. 2004. "A Revised List of Wars Between and Within
Independent States, 1816-2002." International Interactions 30 (3): 231-62.