A dataset containing nearly all extant democracy indexes. See the package
\linkQuickUDS for further documentation.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 24175 rows and 62 columns.
Variable descriptions
- country_name
- Standardized country name. This is the same
across all datasets in this package, so you can always join them by
country_name and year. Character with 225 distinct values. Most common:
Afghanistan (269), Nepal (249), Oman (275). NAs = 0.
- GWn
- Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999).
Numeric. Max = 990, min = 2, distinct = 225, mean = 440.49, sd = 255.909, NAs =
- GWc
- Gleditsch-Ward alphabetic country code. See Gleditsch and Ward
(1999). Character with 225 distinct values. Most common: AFG (269), NEP (249),
OMA (275). NAs = 0.
- cown
- Correlates of War numeric country code. Differs from GWn for a few
country-years. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 990, min = 2,
distinct = 224, mean = 440.394, sd = 255.672, NAs = 0.
- polity_ccode
- Country code in Polity datasets. Differs from GWn for a few
country-years. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 990, min = 2,
distinct = 232, mean = 440.374, sd = 255.668, NAs = 0.
- year
- Year. Numeric. Max = 2015, min = 1741, distinct = 275, mean =
1935.172, sd = 57.84, NAs = 0.
- GW_startdate
- Date at which the state entered the system of states
according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it has never been a member. Date. Max
= 2011-07-09, min = 1816-01-01, distinct = 171, NAs = 0.
- GW_enddate
- Date at which the state ceased to be a member of the system
of states according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it still exists. Date. Max
= 2006-06-04, min = 1830-07-05, distinct = 30, NAs = 21097.
- region
- Region. Character with 23 distinct values. Most common: Eastern
Africa (1990), South America (2136), Western Europe (2111). NAs = 0.
- continent
- Continent. Character with 5 distinct values. Most common:
Africa (6269), Asia (5559), Europe (6384). NAs = 0.
- microstate
- Indicator of whether the state is a microstate, according to
Gleditsch's list of microstates. Logical. TRUE = 1117, FALSE = 23058, NAs = 0.
- lat
- Latitude. Numeric. Max = 64.963, min = -40.901, distinct = 220, mean
= 19.267, sd = 25.209, NAs = 0.
- lon
- Longitude. Numeric. Max = 178.68, min = -175.198, distinct = 220,
mean = 14.893, sd = 66.221, NAs = 0.
- in_system
- Whether the country-year is in the Gleditsch-Ward system of
states. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Logical. TRUE = 18253, FALSE = 5922, NAs
= 0.
- in_cow
- Whether the country-year is in the Correlates of War system of
states. Logical. TRUE = 16914, FALSE = 7261, NAs = 0.
- arat_pmm
- Democracy score Arat (1991). Taken from Pemstein, Meserve, and
Melton (2013) replication data. Numeric. Max = 109, min = 29, distinct = 78,
mean = 73.2, sd = 18.915, NAs = 20302.
- blm
- Trichotomous measure of regime type from Bowman, Lehoucq, and
Mahoney (2005). 0 = authoritarian, 0.5 = semidemocratic, 1 = democratic.
Available only for five Latin American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) from 1900 to 2000. Numeric. Max = 1, min =
0, distinct = 4, mean = 0.252, sd = 0.357, NAs = 23670.
- bmr_democracy
- Dichotomous measure of regime type from Boix, Miller, and
Rosato (2012). Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.319, sd =
0.466, NAs = 7189.
- bmr_democracy_omitteddata
- Dichotomous measure of regime type from Boix,
Miller, and Rosato (2012). 1 = democracy. This is the same measure as
bmr_democracy, except it records an NA for countries occupied during an
international war (e.g., the Netherlands 1940-44) or experiencing state
collapse during a civil war (e.g., Lebanon 1976-89). The democracy variable
instead fills in these years as continuations of the same regime type. Numeric.
Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.321, sd = 0.467, NAs = 7414.
- bnr
- Dichotomous indicator of democracy from the Bernhard, Nordstrom &
Reenock (2001). Event History Coding of Democratic Breakdowns. 0 =
non-democracy, 1 - democracy. This indicator has been put in country-year
format, extending to 1913, with the help of the Correlates of War panel of
independent states; independent countries (not microstates) in this panel that
were not included in the original dataset are assumed to be non-democratic for
the period.? Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.347, sd = 0.476,
NAs = 13823.
- bollen_pmm
- 0-100 index of democracy from Bollen (2001). Taken from
Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton (2013). Numeric. Max = 100, min = 0, distinct =
349, mean = 55.457, sd = 33.696, NAs = 23665.
- doorenspleet
- Dichotomous index of democracy from Doorenspleet (2000). 1
= authoritarian, 2 = democracy. Omits periods of interruption. Numeric. Max =
2, min = 1, distinct = 3, mean = 1.179, sd = 0.383, NAs = 11166.
- eiu
- 0-1 index of democracy from the updated version of the Economist
Intelligence Unit. 2012. Democracy Index 2012: Democracy at a Standstill. 0 =
least democratic, 1 = most democratic. Taken from
http://www.govindicators.org. Numeric. Max = 0.965, min = 0, distinct =
789, mean = 0.467, sd = 0.243, NAs = 21774.
- freedomhouse
- Average civil liberties + political rights score (reversed
so higher values are more democratic) from Freedom House (2015). Goes from 1
(least democratic) to 7 (most democratic). In this version, the index does not
include a value for 1981. This is based on the latest Freedom House data going
all the way to 2015. Numeric. Max = 7, min = 1, distinct = 14, mean = 4.259, sd
= 2.057, NAs = 16496.
- freedomhouse_electoral
- An indicator of whether a country is an
"electoral democracy" in Freedom House's estimation (1 = yes, 0 - no). Original
data available at http://www.freedomhouse.org. Goes from 1 (least
democratic) to 7 (most democratic). Available only from 1989. This is based on
the latest Freedom House data going all the way to 2015. Numeric. Max = 1, min
= 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.599, sd = 0.49, NAs = 19103.
- gwf
- Dichotmous democracy/autocracy indicator from Geddes, Wright, and
Frantz (2014). 0 = autocracy, 1 = democracy. Extended beyond 1945 using Geddes,
Wright, and Frantz's case variable, which encodes information about the first
year of the regime. Numeric. Max = 2, min = 1, distinct = 3, mean = 1.429, sd =
0.495, NAs = 14780.
- hadenius_pmm
- 0-10 index of democracy from Hadenius 1992. Taken from
Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton 2013. Higher values are more democratic. Numeric.
Max = 10, min = 0, distinct = 52, mean = 4.509, sd = 3.56, NAs = 24046.
- kailitz_binary
- Dichotomous democracy indicator from Kailitz 2013. 1 =
autocracy (all types including electoral autocracy), 2 = liberal democracy.
Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.412, sd = 0.492, NAs =
- kailitz_tri
- Trichotomous democracy indicator from Kailitz 2013. 1 =
autocracy (all types except electoral autocracy), 2 = electoral autocracy, 3 =
liberal democracy. Numeric. Max = 2, min = 0, distinct = 4, mean = 0.989, sd =
0.914, NAs = 14569.
- lied
- 0-6 Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy from Skaaning, Gerring,
and Bartusevicius. 2015. This is from V3 of the dataset, updated to 2015. 0 =
nonelectoral, 1 = one- or no- party elections, 2 = limited competition
multiparty elections for legislature only, 3 = Limited competition multiparty
elections for both executive and legislature, 4 = Competitive elections for
executive and legislative, limited suffrage, 5 = Male democracy, 6 = Electoral
democracy. Numeric. Max = 6, min = 0, distinct = 8, mean = 2.783, sd = 2.346,
NAs = 5646.
- magaloni_democ_binary
- Dichotomous democracy indicator from Magaloni,
Chu, and Min (2013). 0 = autocracy (all types including multiparty autocracy),
1 = democracy. Extended beyond 1950 using the duration_nr variable of the
original dataset, which encodes information about the first year of each
regime. Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.424, sd = 0.494, NAs
= 13887.
- magaloni_regime_tri
- Trichotomous democracy indicator from Magaloni, Chu,
and Min. 2013. 1 = autocracy (all types except multipary autocracy), 2 =
multiparty autocracy, 3 = democracy. Extended beyond 1950 using the duration_nr
variable of the original dataset, which encodes information about the first
year of each regime. Numeric. Max = 3, min = 1, distinct = 4, mean = 2.011, sd
= 0.915, NAs = 13887.
- mainwaring
- Trichotomous democracy indicator from Mainwaring, Brinks, and
Perez Linan (2008). -1 = non-democracy, 0 = hybrid, 1 = democracy. Numeric.
Max = 1, min = -1, distinct = 4, mean = -0.325, sd = 0.838, NAs = 22019.
- munck_pmm
- 0-1 index of democracy from Munck 2009. Taken from Pemstein,
Meserve, and Melton 2013. Only available for 342 country-years. Higher values
are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 22, mean = 0.838, sd
= 0.259, NAs = 23833.
- pacl
- Dichotomous measure of democracy from Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland
2010. 1= democracy, 0 = non-democracy. Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3,
mean = 0.438, sd = 0.496, NAs = 15060.
- PEPS1i
- Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 1, polity score adjusted
using IDEA Votes/Voting age population. From Moon et al 2006. Numeric. Max =
10, min = -10, distinct = 727, mean = -3.199, sd = 6.574, NAs = 15012.
- PEPS1q
- Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 1, polity score adjusted
using (mostly)IDEA votes/Voting age population, with participation coded zero
for noncompetitive elections. From Moon et al 2006. Numeric. Max = 10, min =
-10, distinct = 728, mean = -3.176, sd = 6.486, NAs = 14736.
- PEPS1v
- Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 1, polity score adjusted
using Vanhanen votes/two-thirds of Vanhanen population. From Moon et al.
(2006). Numeric. Max = 10, min = -10, distinct = 1867, mean = -2.869, sd =
5.661, NAs = 10086.
- PEPS2i
- Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 2, polity score adjusted
using IDEA Votes/Voting age population. From Moon et al. 2006. Numeric. Max =
10, min = -9.59, distinct = 844, mean = 3.716, sd = 4.39, NAs = 20050.
- PEPS2q
- Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 2, polity score adjusted
using (mostly)IDEA votes/Voting age population, with participation coded zero
for noncompetitive elections. From Moon et al. 2006. Numeric. Max = 10, min =
-10, distinct = 857, mean = -1.126, sd = 6.908, NAs = 17285.
- PEPS2v
- Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 2, polity score adjusted
using Vanhanen votes/two-thirds of Vanhanen population. From Moon et al. 2006.
Numeric. Max = 10, min = -10, distinct = 2415, mean = -2.427, sd = 5.777, NAs =
- pitf
- A five category indicator of democracy described in Goldstone et al
2010. Can be:
0-Full autocracy (exrec < 7, parcomp !=0 and parcomp < 3)
1-Partial autocracy (exrec < 7, parcomp = 0 or parcomp > 2)
2-Partial democracy with factionalism (exrec > 6, parcomp = 3)
3-Partial democracy (exrec > 6, parcomp = 0 or parcomp = 4 or parcomp = 5 but
exrec != 8)
4-Full democracy (exrec = 8, parcomp = 5). See Goldstone et al. 2010 for full
details. Numeric. Max = 5, min = 1, distinct = 6, mean = 2.425, sd = 1.478, NAs
= 8089.
- pitf_binary
- A simplification of the pitf indicator of democracy
described in Taylor and Ulfelder 2015. A country is a democracy (1) "if its
chief executive is chosen in competitive elections (EXREC equal to 7 or 8) and
political competition is not suppressed (PARCOMP equal to 0 or PARCOMP greater
than 2)" Otherwise it is a non-democracy (0). Numeric. Max = 2, min = 1,
distinct = 3, mean = 1.363, sd = 0.481, NAs = 8089.
- polyarchy_contestation
- 1-9 index of contestation from the revised
version of Coppedge and Reinicke 1991. Revised in 2003-2006. Includes a value
for Western Sahara in 2000, which has been assigned code GWn 605; Western
Sahara is not coded by any other dataset in this compilation, and is not
considered an independent state by either Gleditsch and Ward or the Correlates
of War project. Meaning of the scale is as follows:
9 Meaningful fair elections are held, there is full freedom for political organization and expression, and there is no preferential presentation of official views in the media.
8 Meaningful fair elections are held and there is full freedom for political organization and expression, but there is preferential presentation of official views in the media.
7 Meaningful fair elections are held and there is full freedom for political organization, but some public dissent is suppressed and there is preferential presentation of official views in the media.
6 Meaningful fair elections are held, but some independent political organizations are banned, some public dissent is suppressed, and there is preferential presentation of official views in the media.
5 Elections are marred by fraud or coercion, some independent political organizations are banned, some public dissent is suppressed, and there is preferential presentation of official views in the media.
4 Like score 5 except that there is less contestation in one or two of the following respects: no meaningful elections are held, only nonpolitical organizations are allowed to be independent, or alternatives to the official media are very limited.
3 No meaningful elections are held, only nonpolitical organizations are allowed to be independent, some public dissent is suppressed, and alternatives to the official media are very limited.
2 Like score 3 except that there is less contestation in one or two of the following respects: all organizations are banned or controlled by the government or official party, all public dissent is suppressed, or there is no public alternative to official information.
1 No meaningful elections are held, all organizations are banned or controlled by the government or official party, all public dissent is suppressed, and there is no public alternative to official information. Numeric. Max = 9, min = 1, distinct = 10, mean = 5.821, sd = 2.898, NAs = 23818.
- prc
- 1-4 index of democracy from Gasiorowsk 1996. Available in updated
form in Reich 2002. 1= Authoritarian, 2 = transitional, 3 = semidemocratic, 4 =
democratic. Numeric. Max = 4, min = 1, distinct = 5, mean = 2.002, sd = 1.301,
NAs = 13144.
- prc_notrans
- Same as prc but sets all 2 (transition) regimes to NA.
Numeric. Max = 4, min = 1, distinct = 4, mean = 2.002, sd = 1.31, NAs = 13292.
- svolik
- Dichotomous indicator of democracy from Svolik 2012. 1 =
authoritarian, 2 = democracy. This is extended for a few countries from the
o_startdate variable in the original dataset. Numeric. Max = 2, min = 1,
distinct = 3, mean = 1.439, sd = 0.496, NAs = 15403.
- ulfelder
- Dichotomous indicator of democracy from Ulfelder 2012. 0 =
authoritarian, 1 = democracy. Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean =
0.412, sd = 0.492, NAs = 16491.
- utip_dichotomous
- Calculated dichotomous index of democracy from data in
the UTIP dataset of political regimes (Hsu 2008). 1 if the regime is a social
democracy, conservative democracy, or one party democracy, 0 otherwise. The
category of "one party democracy" is not well documented. Numeric. Max = 1, min
= 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.515, sd = 0.5, NAs = 18132.
- utip_dichotomous_strict
- Stricter version of the calculated dichotomous
index of democracy from data in the UTIP dataset of political regimes (Hsu
2008). 1 if the regime is a social democracy or a conservative democracy, 0
otherwise. This excludes "one party democracies" from the democracy category.
Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.477, sd = 0.5, NAs = 18132.
- utip_trichotomous
- Calculated trichotomous index of democracy from data
in the UTIP dataset of political regimes (Hsu 2008). 2 if the regime is a
social democracy or conservative democracy, 1 if the regime is a one party
democracy, 0 otherwise. The category of "one party democracy" is not well
documented. Numeric. Max = 2, min = 0, distinct = 4, mean = 0.992, sd = 0.981,
NAs = 18132.
- v2x_api
- Additive polyarchy index from V-dem version 6.1 (Coppedge at al
2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.983, min = 0.017,
distinct = 9321, mean = 0.469, sd = 0.309, NAs = 8103.
- v2x_delibdem
- Deliberative democracy index from V-dem version 6.1
(Coppedge et al 2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.929,
min = 0, distinct = 9885, mean = 0.213, sd = 0.267, NAs = 8211.
- v2x_egaldem
- Egalitarian democracy index from V-dem version 6.1 (Coppedge
et al 2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.925, min =
0.007, distinct = 10213, mean = 0.246, sd = 0.246, NAs = 8103.
- v2x_libdem
- Liberal democracy index from V-dem version 6.1 (Coppedge et
al 2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.928, min = 0.011,
distinct = 10663, mean = 0.261, sd = 0.249, NAs = 8103.
- v2x_mpi
- Multiplicative polyarchy index from V-dem version 6.1 (Coppedge
et al 2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.934, min = 0,
distinct = 6115, mean = 0.176, sd = 0.279, NAs = 8103.
- v2x_partipdem
- Participatory democracy index from V-dem version 6.1
(Coppedge et al 2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.84,
min = 0, distinct = 9950, mean = 0.2, sd = 0.205, NAs = 8112.
- v2x_polyarchy
- Continuous polyarchy index from V-dem version 6.1
(Coppedge et al 2016). Higher values are more democratic. Numeric. Max = 0.958,
min = 0.008, distinct = 9321, mean = 0.323, sd = 0.282, NAs = 8103.
- vanhanen_competition
- Index of competition from Vanhanen 2012. From
Vanahnen's documentation: "The smaller parties' share of the votes cast in
parliamentary or presidential elections, or both, is used to indicate the
degree of competition. It is calculated by subtracting the percentage of votes
won by the largest party from 100. If the largest party gets, for example, 40
percent of the votes, the share of the smaller parties is 60 percent. If data
on the distribution of votes are not available, the value of this variable is
calculated on the basis of the distribution of seats in parliament. The
distribution of seats is used also in cases in which it seems to indicate power
relations more realistically than the distribution of votes." Its maximum value
is 70. See the full documentation for Vanhanen's dataset for details. Numeric.
Max = 70, min = 0, distinct = 695, mean = 25.217, sd = 25.171, NAs = 8440.
- vanhanen_democratization
- Index of democratization from Vanhanen 2012.
Higher values are more democratic. Constructed multiplicatively from
vanhanen_participation and vanhanen_competition. Numeric. Max = 49, min = 0,
distinct = 446, mean = 8.434, sd = 11.676, NAs = 8440.
- vanhanen_participation
- Index of participation from Vanhanen 2012. From
Vanahnen's documentation: "The percentage of the population which actually
voted in the same elections is used to measure the degree of participation (=
Participation). This percentage is calculated from the total population, not
from the adult or enfranchized population." It is zero by construction in cases
where no popular elections exist. May be modified by referenda. See the full
documentation of Vanhanen's dataset for details. Numeric. Max = 71, min = 0,
distinct = 761, mean = 21.099, sd = 21.877, NAs = 8440.
- wahman_teorell_hadenius
- Dichotomous measure of democracy from the
Authoritarian Regimes Data Set, version 5.0 (Wahman, Teorell, and Hadenius
2013). Calculated from their regime1ny variable; non-democracy = all
authoritarian regimes. Numeric. Max = 1, min = 0, distinct = 3, mean = 0.424,
sd = 0.494, NAs = 17482.
Arat, Zehra F. 1991. Democracy and human rights in developing countries.
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Bernhard, Michael, Timothy Nordstrom, and Christopher Reenock, "Economic
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Boix, Carles, Michael Miller, and Sebastian Rosato. 2012. A Complete Data Set
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1523-1554. Original data available at
Bollen, Kenneth A. 2001. "Cross-National Indicators of Liberal Democracy,
1950-1990." 2nd ICPSR version. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina,
1998. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social
Research, 2001. Original data available at
Bowman, Kirk, Fabrice Lehoucq, and James Mahoney. 2005. Measuring Political
Democracy: Case Expertise, Data Adequacy, and Central America. Comparative
Political Studies 38 (8): 939-970.
http://cps.sagepub.com/content/38/8/939. Data available at
Cheibub, Jose Antonio, Jennifer Gandhi, and James Raymond Vreeland. 2010.
"Democracy and Dictatorship Revisited." Public Choice. 143(1):67-101. Original
data available at
Coppedge, Michael and Wolfgang H. Reinicke. 1991. Measuring Polyarchy. In On
Measuring Democracy: Its Consequences and Concomitants, ed. Alex Inkeles. New
Brunswuck, NJ: Transaction pp. 47-68.
Coppedge, Michael, John Gerring, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, and
Jan Teorell, with David Altman, Michael Bernhard, M. Steven Fish, Adam Glynn,
Allen Hicken, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Kelly McMann, Pamela Paxton, Daniel
Pemstein, Jeffrey Staton, Brigitte Zimmerman, Frida Andersson, Valeriya
Mechkova, Farhad Miri. 2016. V-Dem Codebook v6.1. Varieties of Democracy
(V-Dem) Project. Original data available at https://v-dem.net/en/data/.
Doorenspleet, Renske. 2000. Reassessing the Three Waves of Democratization.
World Politics 52 (03): 384-406. DOI: 10.1017/S0043887100016580.
Economist Intelligence Unit. 2012. Democracy Index 2012: Democracy at a
Freedom House. 2015. "Freedom in the World." Original data available at
Gasiorowski, Mark J. 1996. "An Overview of the Political Regime Change
Dataset." Comparative Political Studies 29(4):469-483.
Geddes, Barbara, Joseph Wright, and Erica Frantz. 2014. Autocratic Breakdown
and Regime Transitions: A New Data Set. Perspectives on Politics 12 (1):
313-331. Original data available at http://dictators.la.psu.edu/
Gleditsch, Kristian S. & Michael D. Ward. 1999. "Interstate System Membership:
A Revised List of the Independent States since 1816." International
Interactions 25: 393-413. The list can be found at
Goldstone, Jack, Robert Bates, David Epstein, Ted Gurr, Michael Lustik, Monty
Marshall, Jay Ulfelder, and Mark Woodward. 2010. A Global Model for Forecasting
Political Instability. American Journal of Political Science 54 (1): 190-208.
Hadenius, Axel & Jan Teorell. 2007. "Pathways from Authoritarianism", Journal
of Democracy 18(1): 143-156.
Hadenius, Axel. 1992. Democracy and Development. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hsu, Sara "The Effect of Political Regimes on Inequality, 1963-2002," UTIP
Working Paper No. 53 (2008),
http://utip.gov.utexas.edu/papers/utip_53.pdf. Data available for
download at http://utip.gov.utexas.edu/data/.
Kailitz, Steffen. 2013. Classifying political regimes revisited: legitimation
and durability. Democratization 20 (1): 39-60. Original data available at
Magaloni, Beatriz, Jonathan Chu, and Eric Min. 2013. Autocracies of the World,
1950-2012 (Version 1.0). Dataset, Stanford University. Original data and
codebook available at
Mainwaring, Scott, Daniel Brinks, and Anibal Perez Linan. 2008. "Political
Regimes in Latin America, 1900-2007." Original data available from
Monty G. Marshall, Ted Robert Gurr, Keith Jaggers, 2014. POLITY IV PROJECT:
Dataset Users' Manual. Center for Systemic Peace. Original dataset and codebook
available at www.systemicpeace.org.
Moon, Bruce, Jennifer Harvey Birdsall, Sylvia Ceisluk, Lauren M. Garlett,
Joshua J. Hermias, Elizabeth Mendenhall, Patrick D. Schmid, and Wai Hong Wong
(2006) "Voting Counts: Participation in the Measurement of Democracy" Studies
in Comparative International Development 42, 2 (Summer, 2006). The complete
dataset is available here:
Munck, Gerardo L. 2009. Measuring Democracy: A Bridge Between Scholarship and
Politics. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Pemstein, Daniel, Stephen A. Meserve, and James Melton. 2013. "Replication data
for: Democratic Compromise: A Latent Variable Analysis of Ten Measures of
Regime Type." In: Harvard Dataverse. http://hdl.handle.net/1902.1/PMM.
Reich, G. 2002. Categorizing Political Regimes: New Data for Old Problems.
Democratization 9 (4): 1-24.
Skaaning, Svend-Erik, John Gerring, and Henrikas Bartusevicius. 2015. A Lexical
Index of Electoral Democracy. Comparative Political Studies 48 (12): 1491-1525.
Svolik, Milan. 2012. The Politics of Authoritarian Rule. Cambridge and New
York: Cambridge University Press. Original data available from
Taylor, Sean J. and Ulfelder, Jay, A Measurement Error Model of Dichotomous
Democracy Status (May 20, 2015). Available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=2726962 or
Ulfelder, Jay. 2012. "Democracy/Autocracy Data Set." In: Harvard Dataverse.
Vanhanen, Tatu. 2012. "FSD1289 Measures of Democracy 1810-2012." Original data
available from
Wahman, Michael, Jan Teorell, and Axel Hadenius. 2013. Authoritarian regime
types revisited: updated data in comparative perspective. Contemporary Politics
19 (1): 19-34.
See also
Other democracy: all_gwf_extended_yearly
, kailitz_yearly
, magaloni
, vdem