A selection of variables from the dataset described in Barbara Geddes, Joseph Wright, and Erica Frantz. 2014. "Autocratic Breakdown and Regime Transitions: A New Data Set." Perspectives on Politics 12(2): 313-331. The full data and codebook can be downloaded here http://sites.psu.edu/dictators/. The documentation below is derived from the codebook.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 486 rows and 20 columns.

Variable descriptions

Standardized country name. This is the same across all datasets in this package, so you can always join them by country_name and year. Character with 155 distinct values. Most common: Bolivia (10), Haiti (13), Peru (10), Syria (10), Thailand (11). NAs = 0.

Gleditsch-Ward numeric country code. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 920, min = 2, distinct = 155, mean = 436.187, sd = 239.823, NAs = 0.

Autocratic regime case name (country name and years); these are the units of observation for duration analysis. Character with 485 distinct values. Most common: Afghanistan 01-09 (1), Afghanistan 09-NA (1), Afghanistan 29-73 (1), Afghanistan 73-78 (1), Afghanistan 78-92 (1), Afghanistan 92-96 (1), Afghanistan 96-01 (1), Albania 44-91 (1), Albania 91-NA (1), Algeria 62-92 (1), Algeria 92-NA (1), Angola 75-NA (1), Argentina 43-46 (1), Argentina 46-51 (1), Argentina 51-55 (1), Argentina 55-58 (1), Argentina 58-66 (1), Argentina 66-73 (1), Argentina 73-76 (1), Argentina 76-83 (1), Argentina 83-NA (1), Armenia 91-94 (1), Armenia 94-98 (1), Armenia 98-NA (1), Australia 01-NA (1), Austria 45-NA (1), Azerbaijan 91-92 (1), Azerbaijan 92-93 (1), Azerbaijan 93-NA (1), Bangladesh 07-08 (1), Bangladesh 08-NA (1), Bangladesh 71-75 (1), Bangladesh 75-82 (1), Bangladesh 82-90 (1), Bangladesh 90-07 (1), Belarus 91-94 (1), Belarus 94-NA (1), Belgium 20-NA (1), Benin 60-63 (1), Benin 63-65 (1), Benin 65-67 (1), Benin 67-69 (1), Benin 69-70 (1), Benin 70-72 (1), Benin 72-90 (1), Benin 90-91 (1), Benin 91-NA (1), Bolivia 43-46 (1), Bolivia 46-51 (1), Bolivia 51-52 (1), Bolivia 52-64 (1), Bolivia 64-69 (1), Bolivia 69-71 (1), Bolivia 71-79 (1), Bolivia 79-80 (1), Bolivia 80-82 (1), Bolivia 82-NA (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina 92-95 (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina 95-09 (1), Botswana 66-NA (1), Brazil 45-64 (1), Brazil 64-85 (1), Brazil 85-NA (1), Bulgaria 44-90 (1), Bulgaria 90-NA (1), Burkina Faso 60-66 (1), Burkina Faso 66-80 (1), Burkina Faso 80-82 (1), Burkina Faso 82-87 (1), Burkina Faso 87-NA (1), Burundi 03-05 (1), Burundi 05-NA (1), Burundi 62-66 (1), Burundi 66-87 (1), Burundi 87-93 (1), Burundi 93-96 (1), Burundi 96-03 (1), Cambodia 53-70 (1), Cambodia 70-75 (1), Cambodia 75-79 (1), Cambodia 79-NA (1), Cameroon 60-83 (1), Cameroon 83-NA (1), Canada 21-NA (1), Cen African Rep 03-NA (1), Cen African Rep 60-65 (1), Cen African Rep 66-79 (1), Cen African Rep 79-81 (1), Cen African Rep 81-93 (1), Cen African Rep 93-03 (1), Chad 60-75 (1), Chad 75-79 (1), Chad 79-82 (1), Chad 82-90 (1), Chad 90-NA (1), Chile 32-73 (1), Chile 73-89 (1), Chile 89-NA (1), China 46-49 (1), China 49-NA (1), Colombia 34-49 (1), Colombia 49-53 (1), Colombia 53-58 (1), Colombia 58-NA (1), Congo-Brz 60-63 (1), Congo-Brz 63-68 (1), Congo-Brz 68-91 (1), Congo-Brz 91-92 (1), Congo-Brz 92-97 (1), Congo-Brz 97-NA (1), Congo/Zaire 60-97 (1), Congo/Zaire 97-NA (1), Costa Rica 19-48 (1), Costa Rica 48-49 (1), Costa Rica 49-NA (1), Croatia 91-NA (1), Cuba 44-52 (1), Cuba 52-59 (1), Cuba 59-NA (1), Czech Republic 93-NA (1), Czechoslovakia 46-48 (1), Czechoslovakia 48-89 (1), Czechoslovakia 89-93 (1), Denmark 01-NA (1), Dominican Rep 30-62 (1), Dominican Rep 62-63 (1), Dominican Rep 63-65 (1), Dominican Rep 65-66 (1), Dominican Rep 66-78 (1), Dominican Rep 78-NA (1), Ecuador 44-47 (1), Ecuador 47-48 (1), Ecuador 48-63 (1), Ecuador 63-66 (1), Ecuador 66-68 (1), Ecuador 68-70 (1), Ecuador 70-72 (1), Ecuador 72-79 (1), Ecuador 79-NA (1), Egypt 22-52 (1), Egypt 52-NA (1), El Salvador 31-48 (1), El Salvador 48-82 (1), El Salvador 82-94 (1), El Salvador 94-NA (1), Eritrea 93-NA (1), Estonia 91-NA (1), Ethiopia 74-91 (1), Ethiopia 89-74 (1), Ethiopia 91-NA (1), Finland 45-NA (1), France 1875-NA (1), Gabon 60-NA (1), Gambia 65-94 (1), Gambia 94-NA (1), Georgia 03-04 (1), Georgia 04-NA (1), Georgia 91-92 (1), Georgia 92-03 (1), Germany 49-NA (1), Germany East 49-90 (1), Ghana 00-NA (1), Ghana 56-60 (1), Ghana 60-66 (1), Ghana 66-69 (1), Ghana 69-72 (1), Ghana 72-79 (1), Ghana 79-81 (1), Ghana 81-00 (1), Greece 44-46 (1), Greece 46-67 (1), Greece 67-74 (1), Greece 74-NA (1), Guatemala 44-54 (1), Guatemala 54-58 (1), Guatemala 58-63 (1), Guatemala 63-66 (1), Guatemala 66-70 (1), Guatemala 70-85 (1), Guatemala 85-95 (1), Guatemala 95-NA (1), Guinea 08-10 (1), Guinea 58-84 (1), Guinea 84-08 (1), Guinea Bissau 00-02 (1), Guinea Bissau 02-03 (1), Guinea Bissau 03-05 (1), Guinea Bissau 05-NA (1), Guinea Bissau 74-80 (1), Guinea Bissau 80-99 (1), Guinea Bissau 99-00 (1), Haiti 04-06 (1), Haiti 06-NA (1), Haiti 41-46 (1), Haiti 46-50 (1), Haiti 50-56 (1), Haiti 56-57 (1), Haiti 57-86 (1), Haiti 86-88 (1), Haiti 88-90 (1), Haiti 90-91 (1), Haiti 91-94 (1), Haiti 94-99 (1), Haiti 99-04 (1), Honduras 33-56 (1), Honduras 56-57 (1), Honduras 57-63 (1), Honduras 63-71 (1), Honduras 71-72 (1), Honduras 72-81 (1), Honduras 81-NA (1), Hungary 45-47 (1), Hungary 47-90 (1), Hungary 90-NA (1), Iceland 45-NA (1), India 47-NA (1), Indonesia 49-66 (1), Indonesia 66-99 (1), Indonesia 99-NA (1), Iran 25-79 (1), Iran 79-NA (1), Iraq 03-10 (1), Iraq 32-58 (1), Iraq 58-63 (1), Iraq 63-68 (1), Iraq 68-79 (1), Iraq 79-03 (1), Ireland 21-NA (1), Israel 48-NA (1), Italy 46-NA (1), Ivory Coast 00-NA (1), Ivory Coast 60-99 (1), Ivory Coast 99-00 (1), Japan 46-NA (1), Jordan 46-NA (1), Kazakhstan 91-NA (1), Kenya 02-NA (1), Kenya 63-02 (1), Korea North 48-NA (1), Korea South 48-60 (1), Korea South 61-87 (1), Korea, South 60-61 (1), Korea, South 87-NA (1), Kuwait 61-NA (1), Kyrgyzstan 05-10 (1), Kyrgyzstan 91-05 (1), Laos 53-59 (1), Laos 59-60 (1), Laos 60-62 (1), Laos 62-73 (1), Laos 73-75 (1), Laos 75-NA (1), Latvia 91-NA (1), Lebanon 05-NA (1), Lebanon 43-76 (1), Lebanon 76-05 (1), Lesotho 65-70 (1), Lesotho 70-86 (1), Lesotho 86-93 (1), Lesotho 93-NA (1), Liberia 03-05 (1), Liberia 05-NA (1), Liberia 44-80 (1), Liberia 80-90 (1), Liberia 90-97 (1), Liberia 97-03 (1), Libya 51-69 (1), Libya 69-NA (1), Lithuania 91-NA (1), Luxemburg 1870-NA (1), Macedonia 91-NA (1), Madagascar 09-NA (1), Madagascar 60-72 (1), Madagascar 72-75 (1), Madagascar 75-93 (1), Madagascar 93-09 (1), Malawi 64-94 (1), Malawi 94-NA (1), Malaysia 57-NA (1), Mali 60-68 (1), Mali 68-91 (1), Mali 91-92 (1), Mali 92-NA (1), Mauritania 05-07 (1), Mauritania 07-08 (1), Mauritania 08-NA (1), Mauritania 60-78 (1), Mauritania 78-05 (1), Mauritius 68-NA (1), Mexico 00-NA (1), Mexico 15-00 (1), Moldova 91-NA (1), Mongolia 21-93 (1), Mongolia 93-NA (1), Montenegro 06-NA (1), Morocco 56-NA (1), Mozambique 75-NA (1), Myanmar 48-58 (1), Myanmar 58-60 (1), Myanmar 60-62 (1), Myanmar 62-88 (1), Myanmar 88-NA (1), Namibia 90-NA (1), Nepal 02-06 (1), Nepal 06-NA (1), Nepal 46-51 (1), Nepal 51-91 (1), Nepal 91-02 (1), Netherlands 1870-NA (1), New Zealand 07-NA (1), Nicaragua 36-79 (1), Nicaragua 79-90 (1), Nicaragua 90-NA (1), Niger 60-74 (1), Niger 74-91 (1), Niger 91-93 (1), Niger 93-96 (1), Niger 96-99 (1), Niger 99-NA (1), Nigeria 60-66 (1), Nigeria 66-79 (1), Nigeria 79-83 (1), Nigeria 83-93 (1), Nigeria 93-99 (1), Nigeria 99-NA (1), Norway 1885-NA (1), Oman 41-NA (1), Pakistan 08-NA (1), Pakistan 47-58 (1), Pakistan 58-71 (1), Pakistan 71-75 (1), Pakistan 75-77 (1), Pakistan 77-88 (1), Pakistan 88-99 (1), Pakistan 99-08 (1), Panama 45-49 (1), Panama 49-51 (1), Panama 51-52 (1), Panama 52-53 (1), Panama 53-55 (1), Panama 55-68 (1), Panama 68-82 (1), Panama 82-89 (1), Panama 89-NA (1), Paraguay 39-48 (1), Paraguay 48-54 (1), Paraguay 54-93 (1), Paraguay 93-NA (1), Peru 00-01 (1), Peru 01-NA (1), Peru 45-48 (1), Peru 48-56 (1), Peru 56-62 (1), Peru 62-63 (1), Peru 63-68 (1), Peru 68-80 (1), Peru 80-92 (1), Peru 92-00 (1), Philippines 46-72 (1), Philippines 72-86 (1), Philippines 86-NA (1), Poland 44-89 (1), Poland 89-NA (1), Portugal 26-74 (1), Portugal 74-76 (1), Portugal 76-NA (1), Romania 45-89 (1), Romania 89-90 (1), Romania 90-NA (1), Russia 91-93 (1), Russia 93-NA (1), Rwanda 62-73 (1), Rwanda 73-94 (1), Rwanda 94-NA (1), Saudi Arabia 27-NA (1), Senegal 00-NA (1), Senegal 60-00 (1), Serbia 00-NA (2), Serbia 91-00 (1), Sierra Leone 61-67 (1), Sierra Leone 67-68 (1), Sierra Leone 68-92 (1), Sierra Leone 92-96 (1), Sierra Leone 96-97 (1), Sierra Leone 97-98 (1), Sierra Leone 98-NA (1), Singapore 65-NA (1), Slovakia 93-NA (1), Slovenia 91-NA (1), Somalia 60-69 (1), Somalia 69-91 (1), Somalia 91-NA (1), South Africa 10-94 (1), South Africa 94-NA (1), Soviet Union 17-91 (1), Spain 39-76 (1), Spain 76-77 (1), Spain 77-NA (1), Sri Lanka 48-78 (1), Sri Lanka 78-94 (1), Sri Lanka 94-NA (1), Sudan 56-58 (1), Sudan 58-64 (1), Sudan 64-65 (1), Sudan 65-69 (1), Sudan 69-85 (1), Sudan 85-86 (1), Sudan 86-89 (1), Sudan 89-NA (1), Swaziland 68-NA (1), Sweden 19-NA (1), Switzerland 1870-NA (1), Syria 46-47 (1), Syria 47-49 (1), Syria 49-51 (1), Syria 51-54 (1), Syria 54-57 (1), Syria 57-58 (1), Syria 58-61 (1), Syria 61-62 (1), Syria 62-63 (1), Syria 63-NA (1), Taiwan 00-NA (1), Taiwan 49-00 (1), Tajikistan 91-NA (1), Tanzania 60-64 (1), Tanzania 64-NA (1), Thailand 06-07 (1), Thailand 07-NA (1), Thailand 44-47 (1), Thailand 47-57 (1), Thailand 57-73 (1), Thailand 73-75 (1), Thailand 75-76 (1), Thailand 76-88 (1), Thailand 88-91 (1), Thailand 91-92 (1), Thailand 92-06 (1), Togo 60-63 (1), Togo 63-NA (1), Tunisia 56-NA (1), Turkey 23-50 (1), Turkey 50-57 (1), Turkey 57-60 (1), Turkey 60-61 (1), Turkey 61-80 (1), Turkey 80-83 (1), Turkey 83-NA (1), Turkmenistan 91-NA (1), Uganda 62-66 (1), Uganda 66-71 (1), Uganda 71-79 (1), Uganda 79-80 (1), Uganda 80-85 (1), Uganda 85-86 (1), Uganda 86-NA (1), UK 11-NA (1), Ukraine 91-NA (1), United Arab Emirates 71-NA (1), Uruguay 42-73 (1), Uruguay 73-84 (1), Uruguay 84-NA (1), USA 1871-NA (1), Uzbekistan 91-NA (1), Venezuela 05-NA (1), Venezuela 45-47 (1), Venezuela 47-48 (1), Venezuela 48-58 (1), Venezuela 58-05 (1), Vietnam 54-NA (1), Vietnam South 54-63 (1), Vietnam South 63-75 (1), Yemen 18-62 (1), Yemen 62-67 (1), Yemen 67-74 (1), Yemen 74-78 (1), Yemen 78-NA (1), Yemen South 67-90 (1), Yugoslavia 45-90 (1), Zambia 64-67 (1), Zambia 67-91 (1), Zambia 91-96 (1), Zambia 96-NA (1), Zimbabwe 65-80 (1), Zimbabwe 80-NA (1). NAs = 0.

Regime type. Includes "democracy" and "no-authority" conditions (foreign occupation, warlordism, etc.). Factor with 16 levels. Most common: democracy (164), military (49), military-personal (23), monarchy (19), party (51), personal (100), provisional (26). NAs = 0.

Start date for the regime. Other.

End date for the regime. Other.

How did the regime end? Factor with 10 levels. Most common: 0: regime still in power on December 31, 2010 (57), 2: incumbent loses elections (28), 3: no incumbent runs in competitive election won by opponent (31), 4: popular uprising (38), 5: military coup (77), 6: insurgents, revolutionaries, or combatants fighting a civil war (17), NA (206). NAs = 206.

Extent of violence in the event leading to the end of the regime. Factor with 5 levels. Most common: 0: regime still in power on December 31, 2010 (57), 1: no deaths (125), 2: 1-25 deaths (44), 3: 26-1000 deaths (26), 4: >1000 (28), NA (206). NAs = 206.

Country name in the original dataset. Character with 121 distinct values. Most common: Argentina (6), Benin (6), Bolivia (8), Guatemala (6), Haiti (7), Syria (6), Thailand (6). NAs = 206.

Correlates of War numeric country code. Differs from GWn for a few country-years. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 920, min = 2, distinct = 155, mean = 436.2, sd = 239.821, NAs = 0.

Country code in Polity datasets. Differs from GWn for a few country-years. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Numeric. Max = 920, min = 2, distinct = 158, mean = 436.216, sd = 239.816, NAs = 0.

Region. Character with 19 distinct values. Most common: South America (60), Western Africa (75), Western Asia (48). NAs = 0.

Continent. Character with 5 distinct values. Most common: Africa (166), Americas (120), Asia (135). NAs = 0.

Date at which the state entered the system of states according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it has never been a member. Date. Max = 2006-06-05, min = 1816-01-01, distinct = 121, NAs = 0.

Date at which the state ceased to be a member of the system of states according to Gleditsch and Ward, or NA if it still exists. Date. Max = 2006-06-04, min = 1975-04-30, distinct = 6, NAs = 476.

Indicator of whether the state is a microstate, according to Gleditsch's list of microstates. Logical. TRUE = 0, FALSE = 486, NAs = 0.

Latitude. Numeric. Max = 64.963, min = -40.901, distinct = 155, mean = 15.552, sd = 21.82, NAs = 0.

Longitude. Numeric. Max = 174.886, min = -106.347, distinct = 155, mean = 10.023, sd = 59.286, NAs = 0.

Whether the country-year is in the Correlates of War system of states. Logical. TRUE = 483, FALSE = 3, NAs = 0.

Whether the country-year is in the Gleditsch-Ward system of states. See Gleditsch and Ward (1999). Logical. TRUE = 486, FALSE = 0, NAs = 0.


Geddes, Barbara, Joseph Wright, and Erica Frantz (2014). "Autocratic Breakdown and Regime Transitions: A New Data Set." Perspectives on Politics 12 (1): 313-31. doi:10.1017/S1537592714000851.

See also

Other regime characteristics: PIPE, all_gwf_extended_yearly, all_gwf, kailitz_yearly, lied, magaloni_extended, magaloni, polity_annual, svolik_institutions, wahman_teorell

Other regime types: all_gwf_extended_yearly, all_gwf, kailitz_yearly, magaloni_extended, magaloni, wahman_teorell