A list of all elections in both the NELDA and the PIPE datasets. See the documentation for PIPE and NELDA for more detail.



An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 8195 rows and 5 columns.

Variable descriptions

Standardized country name. This is the same across all datasets in this package, so you can always join them by country_name and year. Character with 195 distinct values. Most common: Colombia (145), Costa Rica (162), United States of America (214). NAs = 0.

Year. Numeric. Max = 2012, min = 1790, distinct = 215, mean = 1958.485, sd = 46.546, NAs = 0.

Election type. Character with 3 distinct values. Most common: Constituent Assembly (75), Executive (2540), Legislative/Parliamentary (5580). NAs = 0.

Number of elections in year. Numeric. Max = 4, min = 1, distinct = 4, mean = 1.046, sd = 0.217, NAs = 0.

Source (NELDA or PIPE). Character with 2 distinct values. Most common: NELDA (2794), PIPE (5401). NAs = 0.


Gleditsch, Kristian S. & Michael D. Ward. 1999. "Interstate System Membership: A Revised List of the Independent States since 1816." International Interactions 25: 393-413. The list can be found at http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~ksg/statelist.html

Susan D. Hyde and Nikolay Marinov, 2012, Which Elections Can Be Lost?, Political Analysis, 20(2), 191-201

See also

Other elections: PIPE, nelda